Your creditors do not sleep so we don't either. Contact us at any time to assist you in changing your current debt situation
Unlike most debt assistance or consolidation firms we will not collect any funds until we have a workout for you. You also will not pay any fees until your program begins.
Most people said something was impossible until it was done. There is no situation we cannot work through. Our services are second to none.
You are in luck because you get our best team each and every time. We utilize the right amount of input to achieve the highest output. That means we work hard so you do not have to.
You tried to get somewhere on your own and one of your creditors told others what was happening? Not to worry. Our team works on your file with the utmost discretion.
Have you had false starts with others who said they can help, no problem. Our team has decades of experience that make us the best team to handle your specific situation.
No need to pull the emergency rip cord. Our clients get to focus on what they do best while our comprehensive complete solution do what it does best.
With over 30 years of debt, capital structuring, financing and legal experience we got you covered. Our team with do an in-depth analysis of your business to facilitate the best solution for your specific DGMP profile.
Telephone: (516) 704-9301
Address: 56 Hammond Rd., Glen Cove, New York 11542
All rights reserved. Global - Debt Help
© 2019